Since 2008, the NGO Hecho x Nosotros has co-created a capacity building ecosystem based on learning by doing practice.

In light of the Global Challenges and systemic failures that we are facing, we recognise that the process of capacity building is about learning together and co-creating new patterns and structures that can serve the emergence of a new system of influence. We believe in building capacity through transdisciplinary dialogue and co-creation, bringing together the grassroots with global networks to explore and learn together. At the University Hecho x Nostros, capacity building works hand in hand with local action and global policies, involving MSMEs, entrepreneurs, artisans, designers, students and professionals from different areas, NGOs, Ashoka fellows, international organizations and Universities.

The University Hecho x Nosotros has co-created courses, seminars, webinars, workshops, training and talks bringing social innovation tools that align with Sustainable Development Goals and aim for a systemic change paradigm. As a member of the Economic and Social Council of the UN (Ecosoc) and Ashoka fellow, we consider these key elements to achieve long term social and economic changes.
A co-creative approach focuses on experimentation and prototyping as ways to integrate active learning by doing and drive positive impact for all. The objective of the University HxN is to create a platform for students, professors, entrepreneurs, and professionals from different backgrounds to together build capacity for thinking, doing and living a sustainable way of life, with an interdisciplinary vision, through systemic change, social innovation and sustainability principles.

Hecho x Nosotros University believes in knowledge exchange by co-creating with producers for systemic change. Since 2008, we have shared tools with and get inspired from over 7,500 artisans and 300 micro, small and medium enterprises across Latin America. In trainings and workshops, we learn about the ancestral techniques transmitted from generation to generation, meanwhile fiber producers and processors gain managerial, technological and design skills they can use to increase their production and strengthen their livelihoods.
The artisans are the safeguards of an extraordinary capacity, talent and ancestral knowledge; they have the ability to transform the products of nature into beautiful handicrafts, however, it is necessary to gain knowledge about design, communications or marketing strategies to transform the art into sustainable local development. That is why the HxN University of Arts and Crafts collaborates with local entrepreneurs focused on handmade products and the use of collective knowledge in design and sustainable practices to co-learn and in a dialogue they find the way to build up their businesses.
Module 1
Introduction, program presentation and techniques overview
Module 4
Tools for market identification and product commercialization
Module 2
Fabric production by applying specific tools and techniques
Module 5
Final project development
Module 3
Product development through design, social innovation and usage of the ancestral knowledge

For over a decade, Hecho x Nosotros and its collaborators have been co-creating a global community of advocates for change to accelerate the construction of a new paradigm within the Latin American creative industries. The Latin American creative economy has become an important productive sector, enhancing the local economy in terms of GDP, exports, employment, inversions, productivity and social well-being.
Furthermore, creative activities foster social cohesion, participation and strengthen local resilience. Being conscious of the importance and the value of the creative economy, University HxN has been co-creating trainings, webinars, and workshops for professionals and actors of the creative economy focusing on the areas such as design and the fashion industry, audiovisual arts, cinema, and storytelling. We believe that the creative economy can be a vehicle towards systemic change, transforming our society and enhancing well-being.

Watch the recording of our first Workshop

July 1, 2020
Igniting Circular Fashion: Strengthening Local Value Chains through Transparency and Traceability
Hecho x Nosotros (HXN) hosted a discussion on the potential of the fashion industry as a catalyzer for sustainable development and the need to implement more transparent practices throughout value chains, empowerg MSMEs and generating capacity building initiatives to develop circular production models.
Adriana Marina
HxN and animaná Founder
April 1, 2019
Reviving Ancient Techniques to Honor Cultural Traditions as a Means for Empowerment and Sustainability in the Fashion Industry
As part of the 18th session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), Hecho x Nosotros (HxN) and its sister social enterprise animaná were proud to host a panel discussion. Building on the UNPFII theme of “traditional knowledge: generation, transmission and protection”, over seventy event guests discussed how the preservation of artisan techniques in the fashion industry is key to supporting economic and social development and promoting sustainability.
Adriana Marina
HxN and animaná Founder
February 1, 2019
Increasing Transparency in the Fashion Industry to Promote Inclusive Growth
Hecho x Nosotros and social fashion brand animaná hosted an interactive discussion in partnership with Global Fashion Exchange (GFX), the Kota Alliance and the NYC Fair Trade Coalition on the margins of the UN 57th Commission of Social Development in New York.
Adriana Marina
HxN and animaná Founder
February 1, 2020
Oral statements to be presented at 58th Commision for Social DevelopmentcD58 2020
Review of relevant United Nations plans and programmes of action pertaining to the situation of
social groups. Twenty-five years of the World Summit for Social Development: addressing emerging
societal challenges to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Adriana Marina
HxN and animaná Founder
May 3, 2020
Reviving Ancient Techniques to Honor Cultural Traditions: As a means for empowerment and sustainability in the fashion industry
animaná connects artisans who create textiles from camelid fibers using traditional techniques to global markets and builds their capacity to adapt to different buyers’ needs. animaná also works with international designers to merge ancestral techniques with contemporary designs.
Adriana Marina
HxN and animaná Founder
February 1, 2019
Increasing Transparency in the Fashion Industry to Promote Inclusive Growth
With close to 50 people from fashion brands and startups, NGOs, advocacy groups, policy, microfinance and tech experts all in one room, there was an engaging exchange of ideas on how to tackle the transparency challenges within complex fashion value chains and the opportunities to catalyze it to support artisans and small-scale producers. The discussion covered a lot of topics - from artisanship to working conditions to technological innovations to circularity in the fashion industry - in a very short amount of time!
Adriana Marina
HxN and animaná Founder
November 1, 2019
MSMEs and Technology: the missing link between transparency and traceability for sustainable value chains in the fashion industry
Hecho Por Nosotros, and its sister social enterprise animana in association with SAP-Next Gen, hosted an event focused on technological solutions to bridge the gap between transparency and traceability in the global fashion industry. The conversation was led by Lilian Liu, moderator for the evening and sustainability strategist from Futerra.
Adriana Marina
HxN and animaná Founder
July 1, 2019
ICC Call For Ideas: Access to Finance and Investment Constraints for MSMEs
It is evident that access to finance and investment is
one of the most relevant barriers that prevents businesses from developing. Given that
MSMEs represent between 50% and 70% of the total employment (ICSB), this is a key issue
for policy makers to tackle.
Adriana Marina
HxN and animaná Founder